It all started in the Pampulha Lagoa Tenis Club, in the decade of 1970, with Rodrigo Octávio de Salles Pereira son of Waldomiro Salles, one of the founders of the Minas Tênis Clube until then with 6 tennis red clay courts, Rodrigo gave tennis lessons and had several helpers that passed through the club and today most of them are tennis teachers.

At the time, Salles seeing the difficulty in getting red clay powder to keep his courts well treated, decided to make a machine and began to produce his own red clay powder. Over time, there main clubs and academies began to order and use in their tennis courts his red clay powder. It was then that Esporte Max Company was born, today located in Vespasiano, MG and administered by his son Max Drummond Salles, serving most clubs and tennis academies in Belo Horizonte and Metropolitan Region, becoming regional reference in production and quality in ceramic red clay powder for tennis courts and other accessories for maintenance of tennis courts.

The company Sporte Max Company in Vespasiano, MG, south eastern Brazil, was founded in 1978. We specialize in building and repairing red clay tennis courts.

The Sporte Max Company offers its clients a complete set of services for the construction of tennis courts, from initial design and consultation until construction of a new court, restructuring, repair, lighting and fencing.

Our work can be performed in private properties, condominiums, in your home or site, colleges, sports centers, country clubs, resorts, tennis complexes, as well as public courts in the county or city.

Our experts will help you design and build your tennis court from the beginning.

Call us for a free quote today!

Want to build or reform your red clay tennis court?

Phone or whatsapp: +55 (31) 99667-7822